Grow Your Art Collection With Unique Pieces from MOSA Fine Art Gallery

The MOSA Fine Art Gallery offers for sale a combination of a 25-year-old private art collection and individual works by artists from around the globe.

When you visit MOSA Fine Art Gallery, you will have the opportunity to explore the Private Collection Gallery, which features works by prominent domestic and international artists. Our spiritual galleries are filled with art from numerous spiritual traditions from around the globe. You can even participate in guided tours of the permanent collection to learn more about the artwork's history and symbolism. The gallery also offers special events such as artist talks, performance art, and workshops.

We look forward to welcoming you to MOSA Fine Art Gallery and assisting you in locating the perfect artwork to represent your personal aesthetic and artistic ideas. We have something for everyone, whether you're looking for a unique masterpiece or a smaller item to begin your collection.

The MOSA Fine Art Gallery features works by Chuck Marshall, David Mueller, Roger Heuck, Patrick Romelli, Larry Rudeloch and more.